You eat clean but the scale doesn’t move down. In fact, it seems to just move up.
The methods that once worked for you are no longer working.
You work out when you can fit it into your busy schedule. You wonder why you're not getting the results you want.
Even when you go to bed early, you still wake up exhausted.
You constantly feel bloated.
You are starting to hold onto weight in areas like the midsection.
You have brain fog & low energy.
You’re frustrated. And you should be. You’re doing the right things, but you’re not getting the right results, and you’re starting to wonder if it’s even worth it.

I Totally Get It Because I’ve Been There Too!
I was eating all the “healthy” foods (or at least I thought).
I got in all the cardio I could, even though it was boring.
What worked for me when I was younger, was no longer working.
I saw no results in the mirror or on the scale and I was ready to give up…
I'm Alicia Schoroth, owner of HER Power Lifestyle and creator of the HER POWER LIFESTYLE 8 WEEK HORMONE FOCUSSED & FATLOSS PROGRAM that has helped over 3200 women.
I am a certified Hormone Specialist, Health & Nutrition Coach, Culinary Nutrition Expert, & a Certified Personal Trainer for 18 years. I have also written for several fitness magazines.
At the age of 51, I am also a fitness model and pro fitness competitor.
I was constantly hearing from women who were frustrated because they couldn't get the results they wanted. Regardless of what program they followed, they were not seeing results. They couldn't lose weight, they were tired, they were bloated. They wanted to know how I got results. The answer?
I created this program because of my own experience.
Age 40 hits and we wonder what happened; the closer we inch towards 50, it gets worse!
Perimenopause & Menopause is no picnic!!!! Hot flashes, poor sleep, brain fog and low energy.
First, we start losing more muscle (it starts at age 30). Then, the decrease in estrogen can change where we store fat (that loves to hang around our mid-section), it can cause a decrease in our metabolic rate and it can also mess with our hunger hormones (hello cravings!!)
The wrong foods, the wrong amount and type of exercise, lack of sleep (which messes with our hunger hormones) and stress can make all of this worse.
It doesn’t have to be this way. You just need the right strategy so you don’t stay in a constant state of frustration just spinning your wheels.
We can’t stop this natural course of aging; that doesn’t mean we throw in the towel. We can certainly incorporate elements to make it a lot better (starving yourself and punishing yourself with excessive exercise is NOT the answer).
Yes, you can get stronger, feel better and reach your goals!
Did you know that as women age, our nutrition needs change as does our body's response to exercise? Our caloric needs are lower than they were in our younger years and we don’t need as many carbs for energy (Note: I did NOT say we don’t need carbs!!)
We don’t want to “starve” ourselves. Too low caloric intake can make matters worse and is not only not-sustainable, you’ll be miserable. However, we still need to be in a caloric deficit to lose body fat.
Many women are eating too little and not enough protein or healthy dietary fats.
My program combines effective strategies with nutrition, mindset coaching, and fitness. I studied optimal foods, lifestyle changes and more importantly the correct type and amount of exercise to maximize fat burning and lean muscle gains.
I provide the guidance and information you need to adopt healthy habits and transform your lifestyle while still enjoying your life!
I know how hard it is to fit a fitness routine into a busy life.
I lay it out for you in an easy to follow program with no silly gimmicks.
I provide a simple, effective plan that translates into a lifestyle. Before going into fitness full time, I was working 50+ hours per week in the corporate world. I know this program can work for you, regardless of your work week.
I am also a mom with a busy schedule, so I don't have time for complicated meal or exercise programs. I created this program to help women looking for an effective solution.
I am with you everyday, every step of the way. Not only do I give you your meal plan (using real, whole foods) and workouts that work for you, your schedule and fitness level, I provide daily information on fitness, hormones, beneficial foods and lifestyle.
I've worked with women 30-75 years old.
Whether you are dealing with perimenopause, menopause, other hormonal issues or just want to get results and feel better, my program will work for you!
Just Imagine…
✔ Burning fat, even when you aren’t working out
✔ Eating delicious foods and never feeling hungry (STOP starving yourself!!)
✔ Knowing the power of beneficial foods and which ones to eat to optimize your health and fitness
✔ Improving your digestion
✔ Increasing your energy
✔ Eliminating bloat
✔ Jumpstarting your metabolism
This isn’t some fad diet or weight loss supplement.
This is a better lifestyle that will give you real, sustainable,
incredible results.
In THE HER Power Lifestyle 8 Week Program You’ll Learn
✔ The benefits of eating fat. Without healthy dietary fat, you can’t produce hormones (however, this is NOT Keto)
✔ Optimal foods to support digestion, give you energy and help you build and maintain muscle
✔ How to incorporate carb cycling
✔ How to workout effectively and not only maintain muscle, but build it.
✔ How to stay on track regardless of your schedule
I Will Help You…
✔ Burn fat, without feeling deprived.
✔ Follow a lifestyle-friendly plan that you can actually live with. You can go out for dinner or go to an event and not miss out on your favourite foods. You even get to eat chocolate daily (yes, you read that right)!
✔ Slim down and tone up with easy-to-follow workouts for the home (even if you don’t have equipment) or gym (Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced Levels)
✔ Banish boring long-form cardio from your life—working out should be fun!
✔ Build lean muscle and tone your “trouble zones”
✔ Increase your mental strength along with your physical strength BY FOCUSSING ON YOU!
✔ Learn money saving tips on buying beneficial foods. Groceries are expensive these days!
I'm with you every step of the way!
You have access to my full support! I do not outsource my coaching.
I personally help every client & answer all questions.
I have helped 1000’s of women & I can help you too!

What Members Have To Say…
I give you everything you need for success!
Hormone Friendly Food Plan - Combining The Right Foods
I give you a clear & concise meal plan specific to your height, weight and age!
You can follow exactly or use a cheat sheet to guide you to make your own substitutions from the recommended foods list.
You will learn to choose your foods so you can adjust according to your schedule, social life and travel.
No counting calories! You will understand how to use macronutrients (fat, protein, carbohydrates) to make your food choices.
You can follow the plan and still have a life.
You choose the foods you like and interchange them in the eating plan.
The program features beneficial foods that bring out the best in you.
Hormone-friendly foods that are good for digestion and banishing the bloat.
Beneficial foods. I tell you the best foods to eat for your health and why.
Library of Cheatsheets
Key tips to stay on track such as:
how to eat in restaurants
eating on the go
supplement suggestions
meal planning
Daily Motivational Support
As your coach, I want to help you make permanent positive changes in your life, and I will share all the secrets to success that I have learned.
I am always accessible to provide assistance.
Facebook Group
You can join for support and accountability & to support others in our HER Power community.
I communicate with the group daily providing tips and information and answering questions.
Mindset assistance
Throughout the program I provide information that covers all aspects of hormonal health including exercise and lifestyle management.
Daily Workouts
You will have the flexibility to workout when and where you can. At home, at the gym, on vacation and at a time that suits YOUR schedule.
Beginner, Intermediate and advanced workouts with full descriptive video on the HER Power App.
Hormone Guide
As a certified hormone specialist I focus on getting women real results and address the issues that have prevented you from getting results in the past
I provide information on hormones in the member portal and throughout the program.

Consider me your trainer in your pocket!
You get exclusive access to the mobile-friendly HER Power Membership Site & App.
View your daily workouts with full descriptive video on the HER Power APP or print them out.
Beginner/Home workouts
HIIT workouts
Intermediate & advanced gym workouts
You can also access the entire program via the membership site on your desktop.
This Program IS For Women Who…
✔ Are frustrated with their fitness and lack of results in the past (Hint: it may be your hormones)
✔Have had trouble sticking with other diets or programs
✔ Want to be fit and healthy but don’t know where to start
✔ Feel like they’re too busy to figure it all out on their own
✔ Want a program that will get real results with real food, not gimmicky, nonsense supplements (which I do NOT sell).
✔ Know there’s a better way
This program IS NOT for women who:
✔ Believe fad diets & gimmicks work
✔ Aren’t open to new healthy eating habits
✔ Are afraid of a little work, although success in my program is 80-90% nutrition.
✔ Don’t have a positive mindset
one last thing…
You know that if you don’t invest in your health now, you’ll pay for it later. Are you ready to dive in to a program that will teach you solid principles based on the science of how our bodies work? This means you’ll be working WITH your body, not against it, which means you can’t help but succeed.
Are you ready for a better way? I know you are! It’s time to stop dieting and start living so you can feel amazing, look amazing, and do amazing things.
Great things are in store, and I’m so excited to see you succeed! Let’s get started!
Workout Library
Workouts for all levels
Learn about macros and why they matter
Daily contact with me to answer questions and support you.
Recipe Library
Recipes with nutrional info and pictures
Lifting 101
Full descriptive videos for all workouts so you know exactly what to do.
Join our private Facebook Group for accountabilty & support.
HER Power App
Access your workouts from your phone with instructional video
What More Members Had to Say...
"Absolutely LOVE how much information Alicia Schoroth explains in "regular" language! Makes everything so much easier to understand and follow through with!" – Colleen M
Alicia is amazing! She shares so much valuable information about food, exercise, supplements and hormones. I have learned so much from her. She provides the information and the tools to ensure your success and she supports you every step of the way. She is also quick to respond to questions and adapting food or exercise plans to the specific needs of a client, which I needed. Alicia was referred to me by someone that achieved great results following her program and I also tell a lot of people about my great experience with Alicia’s program. - Heather B.
“Alicia is amazing! She has a vast amount of knowledge relating to health and fitness. Her program has all the tools and more to assist anyone wanting to obtain a healthy lifestyle. She is very helpful and can design a program for your specific needs. I highly recommend working with her, it can change your life forever and make you the best you can be! — PATTI K.H.
Thank you so much for all of the helpful information over the process of the last several weeks. I did lose 7 pounds and 1” off of my waist. I have not had any hot flashes in July so far and I am able to sleep better. Thank you so much for all of the time and effort you put into our wellness and success. It was really nice to finally see results for the first time in a very long time. - Sharla E
“It’s a freeing experience to stop obsessing about what I ate and drank. That sometime the very thing you thought was the wrong thing, was actually the right thing for you. Alicia has the ability to listen, question and respectfully offer education and options while empowering you to make decisions for yourself. I’m down 20 lbs and have lost 3 inches from my stomach.” — COLLEEN S.
“I am about to start week five. Down 5 pounds and although the scale hasn’t moved that much, my body is toning up and getting shredded like I was a few months ago! Thanks Alicia!! Doing LISS three times a week and HIIT twice a week fasted!!! And of course weight training 3-4 times a week! Love your program!!”
“It has been a great process. My husband is even surprised how much I have lost from different parts of my body that I have always struggled to lose. I was never overweight but I couldn’t get certain areas to trim out. I have always gained weight all over rather than one spot so it was difficult to see progress before. But this program was successful all over.I lost 9 pounds (Went from 136 to 127), 4 inches from chest, 3 inches from hips, 2 inches from thighs, and 1/2 inch from calves.”— SHERRY C
“I just want to take the time to thank you. I know people are spending a lot of time thanking healthcare workers and they should for sure but not forget people who dedicate their lives to helping educate us and guide us into better health. It is good for our minds, body and souls. Your excellent at what you do and very much appreciated. I have been feeling down with peri menopause for a while and just getting back on board with working out and learning has made a remarkable difference in these last 4 weeks. So thank you again. “— CAROL C.
“Through my training, I have struggled to find fitness trainers who really understand how the hormones affect weight loss and muscle growth along with proper meal plans that assist with hormone imbalances. I am so thankful that I found your program and all the work you have placed into not only educating us but helping us.” — MONICA A.
“Wanted to tell you what I appreciate from your program is that we can ask you questions anytime. Usually you never can talk to the person who put the program together. Thank you for that!!! ”— ANGIE A.
“Feeling great! Today I could really see the difference in my clothes and feeling stronger. Definitely a way better mind set now feeling like I’m getting my life back.” — LORETTA O.
“ I’m down 13 lbs with no gym access. Clothes fit so much better! ” — SARAH H.
“Hi everyone ! I am actually at Week 3 - Day 7 today and I thought I would share my progress ! I did hop the scale today and happy to report I am down a little over 7 pounds. Regardless of the number, I have noticed the following changes : my muffin top is gone - I haven’t hard a craving for sweets since the beginning of week 2 - my skin looks great - I haven’t been bloated or gassy for weeks and I haven’t had a night sweat in 11 nights (I had 2 per weeks prior).
I came across this program by accident and it was the best thing I bought for myself in years. “— KATHY V.
“I wanted to take the time to say thank you. I knew most of the principles used in your program but never applied them. I followed 90% of the program and obtained great results. I always worked out hard but never thought I would have so amazing results. Also, my stomach problems seem to subside. I now have the tools to continue applying what I learned - for me this will become a lifestyle. Thank you again! “— CORINA P.
“I’ve finished the 8 weeks and here are my results: A total weight loss of 15lbs in 8 weeks! I had lost 10lbs on my own prior to starting with you, however, it took 3 months. Your program has helped me lose weight and tone up much more efficiently. Thanks so much for your program and support! I’ve recommended it to a few family members and friends.
“The investment in my new fitness perspective thanks to HER ( Alicia ) has been invaluable. There is no $ that can be placed on the wealth of knowledge this woman has and her passion to guide and help women understand our bodies, ageing, hormones and healthy eating. Well worth the investment. I’m learning so much and feeling amazing. Turning 50 in September. Bring it on!! “— MELANIE K.
“Hi Alicia. I am writing to you to let you know how much I enjoyed your program. You are a wealth of information and you were always available when I needed you. I highly recommend your program to anyone who is having hormonal issues and struggling to lose some weight. You meal plan was easy to follow and I never felt hungry. Combined with the exercise program (which was also easy to follow) and the information you delivered daily, I lost pounds and inches and I feel hormonally balanced and strong. Thank you! ”— LISA W.
“Alicia, I’m so glad I started your program. Thanks so much for the support! So far have lost 23lbs, 3” in waist and hips, 2” in thighs and chest! I don’t have pain in my neck and upper back, never feel bloated, have more energy. Now my clothes are falling off me and I have to go shopping. 😊” — CATHY M.
“I am halfway thru week 8 of your program. I have lost 13 pounds and feel great! Sleeping better, have more energy and hot flashes almost completely gone!” — FRANCINE F.
“I wanted to reach out and thank you for your program. I am down 15lbs and 14inches in 3 months and I have learned valuable lifestyle changes that I will keep with me forever.
I was ready to make a lifestyle change in Sept and your program was just what I was looking for.
And given our year so far it was definitely the positive push I needed. “— JENNIFER O.
I feel fantastic!! I can feel a change in my body, and I am loving it!! Also.....the fat on my hips, and low belly has shrank drastically!! I am so excited for what is to come!!!
Thank you again for all that you do. I have never had such great success with a program and I have done 100 of them. You’ve been a blessing! — ECHO W.
“I have been following your plan for 3 weeks. I feel better, more energy, I am building muscle (getting stronger) and that stubborn stomach is starting to flatten out. I am acquiring a taste for no sugar, drinking water and it’s all good. Just have to stick to it. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and your story. “— KATHY O.
“First I LOVE your program!!!! I am wrapping up week 5 tomorrow (Saturday). I absolutely love the structure and the focus on nutrition AND exercise. When I feel my best, I know I need to dial both in and your program has helped me do that!!!! “— LISA T.
“Love Alicia!!!! She taught me so much! I had 19 lbs to lose after having a baby at 37. I couldn’t shake those lbs and she helped me drop 10 in 8 weeks. I’m about to go through her plan again. She’s AMAZING”— EMILY G.
Alicia is amazing! She shares so much valuable information about food, exercise, supplements and hormones. I have learned so much from her. She provides the information and the tools to ensure your success and she supports you every step of the way. She is also quick to respond to questions and adapting food or exercise plans to the specific needs of a client, which I needed. Alicia was referred to me by someone that achieved great results following her program and I also tell a lot of people about my great experience with Alicia’s program. ”
— Heather B.
Yes! Getting toned and dropped 20lbs! Getting my old CrossFit body back. The food seems to be a game changer. It took me a few weeks to get it down, but I generally go all in. I am singing your praises. Thank you, this is exactly what I needed.
— Amanda
I wanted to reach out and thank you for your program. I am down 15lbs and 14inches in 3 months and I have learned valuable lifestyle changes that I will keep with me forever. Although in the beginning I will admit I wanted to back out many times. Haha. I was ready to make a lifestyle change in Sept and your program was just what I was looking for. And given our year so far it was definitely the positive push I needed.
— Lisa O.
I had to share ! 2 days shy of 3 weeks. My waist measurement from 41.75 to 39.5. Down 10 lbs. I haven’t felt this good is such a long time. I’m usually in baggy lazy clothes. Today I felt empowered. Dressed in jeans and full makeup to get groceries. Hubby just asked how much I’ve lost. Not that scale matter but I feel fantastic today ! Thanks for being one of the few that has educated herself on hormones!!!
- Giselle S.
Today I hit 20 pounds since 1/3!!!!!! I am now 143 it's been years since I saw that weight and I had to work much harder to get there years ago.....You are like finding a diamond i feel so blessed!!!!!!!!!!
- Ashley B.
Down 9 pounds and so excited. Was in a different program prior to this (before the holidays) and lost 6-8 pounds at the very beginning but couldn’t progress beyond that and weight loss stopped after the first month, so this is working!!
- Kaylee B.
I'm 64 and have followed Alicia's amazing program. Until now, nothing has worked as well. I no longer have bloating or nausea and am at a healthy weight I have not seen since in my 20s and 30s. Her program is also very easy to follow and so full of amazing information that wants you to delve in and learn even more about nutrition and supplements for your overall well being. Also have experienced the power of resistance training. Welcome to the only group you'll ever need!
- Daniell D.
Just an update, I know weight is not the number I focus on, but I’ve been weighing/measuring a long time so it’s just a number I track. In the last week I’ve lost 6 pounds but even more exciting is the 3 inches I’ve lost off my waist!Super excited about my results so far and today is the most energetic day so far! Thank you so much!
- Kristy M.
Just wanted to say thanks for helping me get my life back on track, having more energy and being more positive about life. Your 8 week program is amazing. I’m only on week 5 and have to say wow. I have tried so many different programs in the past and your program really works. You have provided me with a wealth of information you share with all of us. Also being there for us to chat to about information and issues is fantastic and shows you care. You have help in so many ways, from losing weight, reducing headaches, stomach issues, to toning up and learning to having the right fitness and eating the right foods as we get older can really help. This program has also shown me with the information you have provided us it also can also help reduce the symptom and effects from menopause and other issues as well. Looking forward to seeing what the next couple of weeks will bring. So happy to have loss 10lb already.
- Krista S.
This is my final week and it's bitter sweet. I am so grateful for finding you and your program which has worked wonderfully for me. I have lost a total of 18 pounds and I feel great. My family and friends have really started to comment that they could tell I lost a lot of weight. It is such a great feeling and I did it slow and steady, which I know I can continue with. Your program is amazing and my hormones feel so much more stable. I don't have as many hot flashes or mood swings which is so amazing. I have told several of my friends and know they will be joining your program. Great job on all your posts and keeping us motivated. I can't say enough about your program and I'm looking for your advice on a maintenance program.
- Kim H.
Tomorrow will officially be my last day of the 8 week program. I have lost 15 pounds, 3 inches on my waist and thighs and 2 inches on my chest. I am feeling very energetic and in the best shape of my life. One of my most amazing accomplishments or surprises is that I can finally sit cross-legged on the ground. I know this may sound funny or trivial, but I have never in my adult life been able to sit that way. My knees or hips wouldn't allow it. Last weekend I noticed while stretching after my workout that I was able to sit back on my heels and then sit cross-legged. I almost cried. I'm 55 years old and I am finally able to sit like that pain free! I suppose it's due to no inflammation? The program was very easy to follow and I know it will not be a chore or struggle to keep it going. I'm amazed how I don't have cravings or late day crashes. I have reserved Saturdays as my high carb day throughout the program and enjoy my steak, baked potato and wine. I did every single resistance training workouts (dumbbell-int/advance) and can definitely see how I've gotten stronger and toning. I am definitely eager to keep this up and see how much stronger or toned I can get. Thank you again Alicia for all your knowledge, help and support.
- Darquise
Alicia not only offers an amazing program, she also educates you on attaining daily habits that will stick with you
long after the program is over. Besides losing weight, bodyfat and inches, I adopted a new mindset as well. I have tried
many programs in the past, but this is the only one that really changed my thinking and lifestyle. It is one of the simplest
programs to follow that deliver great results in such a short time and continuously over time. Definitely the best investment
I did for myself and so worth it.
- Gail
Thank you so much for the last 8 life changing weeks! I am at a weight I haven't seen in probably 10 years plus, I can get into ALL my clothes, I'm getting muscle definition and even had someone comment on my "six pack" .
- Kim
I absolutely have loved your program!! The eating plan has been very easy and the workouts have been very challenging. I have been doing the advanced with free weights workouts. Wow!! Also, your daily information given has been invaluable. I have lost 15 lbs and have gained a lot of muscle so I have become overall more toned which I love. My son is getting married in a couple of weeks so I’m so glad I found your site and was able to do this to get ready for the wedding . Thanks again for making such a great lifestyle changing program. You rock! 😊
- Nicole
At the end of 8 weeks, I am down about 16 pounds and around 10 inches. I have also shifted my workouts from heavy on the cardio with a little weights to heavy on the weights with a little cardio.
- Amy

Benefits of fasting:
Foods and hormones https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/08/170809155736.htm
Green Tea https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/98/2/340/4577179
Dairy and hormones https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5265695/
Fatty Acids Benefits https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6087749/
Sugar https://academic.oup.com/jn/article/145/10/2265/4590115
Fibre https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/oby.20754
Exercise https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24174308
Stress https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5579396/
Lifestyle https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4377487/
Copyright | HER POWER LIFESTYLE 2020
Alicia is not a licensed medical doctor; she practices as a health consultant. Information on this website is provided for general education purposed only and is not intended to constitute [1] medical advice or counseling, [ll] the practice of medicine including psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy or the provision of health care diagnosis or treatment, [lll] the creation of a physician patient or clinical relationship.
Recommendations are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your healthy care provider promptly.